Inclusive justice beliefs and forgiveness

Abstract Although justice and forgiveness are generally held to be competitive constructs, increasingly, studies indicate that when justice is operationalized on the basis of its inclusive characteristics, it is compatible with forgiveness. This study (N = 142) applied a human values framework to provide a theoretical explanation for the positive association between justice (operationalized as just world … Read more

The Power of Small Wins

The Double Helix, James Watson’s 1968 memoir about discovering the structure of DNA, describes the roller coaster of emotions he and Francis Crick experienced through the progress and setbacks of the work that eventually earned them the Nobel Prize. After the excitement of their first attempt to build a DNA model, Watson and Crick noticed … Read more

The Global Catholic Population

Over the past century, the number of Catholics around the globe has more than tripled, from an estimated 291 million in 1910 to nearly 1.1 billion as of 2010, according to a comprehensive demographic study by the Pew Research Center. But over the same period, the world’s overall population also has risen rapidly. As a result, Catholics … Read more

World Day of Social Justice

Advancing social justice Momentum is growing for the concept that advancing social justice should be the central aim guiding all national and international policies. This idea has gained traction among proponents who argue it enables societies and economies to function more cohesively when social justice is prioritized. Supporters contend that promoting decent work and a … Read more